Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bye Bye Bye and Ho Ho Ho

Bye Bye Bye 7.2 pounds in two weeks! I lost 4 the first week and 3.2 this week when I weighed in this morning. I am loving the Weight Watcher's Points Plus plan, it's easy to follow and if I plan the foods right, there's no reason to be hungry.

Then on to the Garden's Mall where Sergio mailed his letter to Santa. He asked for, and I quote, 'a grinch, a train, and a special chicken, it's called a turtle dove.' Too cute!

Then a quick stop at Downtown at the Gardens where he rode a flying fish on the carousel. Check out my other blof: for all the photos!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December Weekends

I had fun today at Nancy's Christmas Stamp Camp! Her projects are always the BOMB!
Hand stamped Tile Coaster Set! Love this!
A run of the mill box decorated for Holiday Recepies.

Snowman and Reindeer poop in a tube! (Marshmallos and Rasinets)

"Snowman Soup" Cocoa with marshmallows, a scoop, a candy cane, and the instructions to make.
These cuties are gift card holders!

This is a decorated CD case that you can design for any occasion and put anything inside.